Montrose Bay High School Newsletter - Term 3 Week 10
Message from the Principal
Dear parents and carers
This newsletter, I would like to focus on the system leading work we are doing in the area of teaching and learning. Unfortunately, it can be an odd quirk of schools where it can be forgotten that the teaching of 21st century skills and understanding, then ensuring that students learn them, must be the core focus of our work. Montrose Bay, like many Tasmanian schools, do this by adhering to the principles of a Professional Learning Community (PLC), where working together, focusing on learning data and improving our teaching practices is what we work on each and every day.
- I will explain this further (below), but before continuing I would like to draw your attention to a very quick feedback form that you can access via a computer or your phone to provide some positive feedback to our staff. This form is being launched now and will remain in place for the remainder of the year. If you would like to acknowledge some positive work of a staff member at Montrose that has helped your child in some way, please take 2min to thank them by using the Positive Feedback Form at the link below. The feedback will be sent on to the teacher and help them feel more valued for the hard work they are doing to improve learning and wellbeing outcomes -
Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Our PLC consists of 5 main Professional Learning Teams (PLTs), four working to improve reading skills and one working to improve the engagement of students. It has been an absolute pleasure, this term, leading the Year 8 Reading PLT and I can’t wait to see the improvements in learning we achieve. All our PLTs work in a consistent manner that relies on collective commitments to keep students at the centre of our planning and assessment. I am confident that measurable gains will be made in each of them, lifting the learning culture of our school.
Our Professional Learning Teams (PLTs) are committed to the “Three Big Ideas” of a PLC:
1. A focus on learning – that the fundamental purpose of the school and all planning is to ensure that all students are learning at high levels
2. A collaborative culture and collective responsibility – in order to ensure learning for all, educators must take collective responsibility and work together on achieving this goal
3. A results orientation – to assess the effectiveness of the collaborative work, members of the PLC use evidence of student learning from assessments to improve teaching
We continually ask ourselves the following Four Key Questions:
1. What do we want students to learn?
2. How do we know if they have learned it?
3. What do we do if they don’t know and understand it?
4. What do we do if they already know and understand it?
The Professional Learning Community process is a long journey and there are many areas we are still seeking to improve, but it is clear we are committed to achieving our goals of providing the best quality teaching to enable high levels of learning for all students.
Thank you
Independent Education Review
Have your say on the future of Tasmania’s education system
The Tasmanian Government has established an Independent Review of Tasmania’s education system to improve the education system over the next 10 years. They want to hear from families, children and young people of all ages, and members of the community.
There are multiple ways you can get involved, by going to the links below:
Submissions responding to the Consultation Paper must be submitted by Sunday 13 October 2024, and all other consultation opportunities will close on Sunday 27 October 2024.
Visit the Independent Education Review website to learn more or email -
Jared Richardson
Acting Principal
School Association-Montrose Bay High
The MBHS Association met in Week 6, where we discussed the prioritised curriculum (what it means, its evidence base, and how its development is progressing so far at MBHS); staffing (always a hot topic! Darn that nationwide teacher shortage!), and school communication to families (and consequent plans for 2025), among other things. I’m sure I speak for all the parent members when I say that Jared Richardson has been a keen listener to our concerns and questions and has maintained the transparent and receptive leadership of Tim Nicholas, who we welcome back in Term 4. The final School Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 12, so please contact the school office if you have any issues you would like raised or want to attend to raise them yourself.
Zoe Smith
Association Chairperson
Year 9
It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of another very busy term in Year Nine.
Students and staff have been hard at work completing the Evidence of Learning, which you should have received by now. This is a relatively new process for our school and, as always, we invite you to contact your child’s teacher, Assistant Principal Ella Hansson or myself should you have any questions.
On top of our usual academic program, many of our students have been involved in vocational experiences set up through our partnership with The Smith Family and Beacon Foundation. A small number of students went to MyState Bank Arena and met with staff there. Students were introduced to a number of the different roles of the staff at the venue, treated to an all-areas tour of the facility and finally a catered lunch. During this time students sat down with the staff at the arena who conducted mock interviews. Many of our students excelled in this process and were told to apply when the positions were advertised.
A larger group of our female students were invited to visit the Hydro Tasmania facility at Cambridge and immerse themselves in the trades available in the electricity industry. The group toured the workshop, were introduced to a number of the different trades, completed a design challenge using topographical maps and models of real Tasmanian terrain and, possibly the most terrifying part, were placed in a harness and suspended in the air in one of the Hydro cherry pickers. The students appreciated the exposure to alternate trades that many had not heard of or considered as a future career path and enjoyed seeing the scale of the items the staff at the Hydro were working on.
This term’s Montrose Mindset focus value has been Connection and it has been a pleasure to see our students develop stronger connections with each other by moving outside their comfort zones and engaging in opportunities both at school and in our wider community.
We look forward to a continued focus on work skills, experience and exposure in Term 4 as our students move closer to becoming Year 10s in 2025.
Matthew Rice
AST Community Partnerships & Grade 9 Coordinator

Year 10
This term, Year 9 students are engaging in an insightful analysis of the enduring themes found in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. They are adding a modern twist to their studies by exploring Baz Luhrmann's film adaptation of this timeless play and immersing themselves in its vibrant reimagining of the story. Inspired by both the Bard and Luhrmann, the students have unleashed their creativity, crafting their own imaginative adaptations that bring new life and perspective to this iconic tale.

This term, the Year 10 students have been learning about adaptions through the intriguing work of William Shakespeare. They have delved into the complexities of Twelfth Night, the dark allure of Macbeth, the enchanting whimsy of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the profound depths of Hamlet, studying their storylines, themes, symbols and other literary devices. Students have also worked diligently to translate Shakespeare's plays into modern-day English, no easy task! Then, to develop their voice skills, they have had opportunities to perform the texts, breathing new life into the Bard's iconic characters and honing their dramatic skills along the way.

Grade 9 and 10 Maths are finishing up their units on Algebra, which they are all glad about. Next term the grade 10s will be looking at networks, trigonometry, and probability, while the grade 9s tackle probability and statistics.
This term, Year 10 have been learning about Newtonian Physics. This unit introduces students to Newton’s 3 laws: inertia, acceleration and action/reaction. It’s a tough unit, but the year group have pushed through and have now begun learning about the Big Bang Theory (everyone was disappointed to find out that this unfortunately doesn’t include watching the tv show).
In Year 9 History, we are learning about World War 1. Students used their source analysis skills to develop their understanding of why Australian soldiers enlisted to fight in this war. Students are now strengthening their research and group work skills to build their knowledge of the places of significance in WW1 where Australian soldiers fought.
In Year 10 History, students have just completed a source analysis unit exploring migration to Australia after World War 2. We are now beginning a unit that investigates how human rights and freedoms changed after World War 2, with a particular focus on civil rights movements in both the United States of America and Australia.
Year 10 Exams
This year, Year 10 students will be sitting an exam for English and Mathematics on Thursday 17th and Friday 18th October. The exams will be in the morning, so it is important that students arrive at school on time. Each exam will take approximately 1 hour and take place during core learning time.
Exams provide an opportunity for students to prepare, study and sit a test in specific conditions. The exams will be differentiated to suit the level of the student and English and Maths teachers will support students to plan for them.
If you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming exams, please contact your child’s English or Maths teacher in the first instance, or Assistant Principals: Kumudu Stewart or Ella Hansson -
Year 10 English teachers | Year 10 Maths teachers |
Alison Quilliam (English Lead) | Hilary Officer (Advanced Skills Teacher) |
Emma Critchley | Laura Campbell (Maths Lead) |
Rebecca Jeffrey | Kathryn Doyle |
Kumudu Stewart (Assistant Principal – Teaching & Learning) | Ella Hansson (Assistant Principal – Curriculum, Pedagogy & Assessment) |
Maths Relay
4 teams competed in the Maths relay on Sunday 22nd of September. Senior and Junior teams competed against schools from across the south in a relay style competition held at Rosny College. Our students were very enthusiastic and did well in the competition, placing 4th.
Tasmanian Young Archies art exhibition
Congratulations to Crystal Johnson, Leah Warn and Ella Grundy who participated in this year’s Tasmanian Young Archies art exhibition. Their portraits had to be of someone personally known to them. Crystal, Leah, and Ella are showcasing the extraordinary breadth of young artistic talent we have at Montrose Bay High School.

Ella Grundy - Lilly
Description: I've chose to draw my friend, Lilly. We've been friends for 2 years. When we're not jokingly throwing insults at each other she is one of my most caring and kind friends.

Crystal Johnson–Their eyes have it
Description: I chose to do this type of portrait because eyes are so symbolic and emotional.

Leah Warn - Tana
Description: Montana (Tana) she is my lovely step mum. She's 25 and loves to work on cars and spending time with family. I love how she has a heart of gold and helps me out. She has 2 kids and 4 step kids.
Student Health

School Attendance - text messages
If your student is not at school or signs in late, and we have not already been contacted by you about this, you will receive an automated text message from us advising they are absent. This is because they have missed part or all of their lesson. Please respond to these messages with an explanation for the absence or late arrival so we can update your student's attendance records.
This is part of our duty of care, to ensure you are aware that your student has not arrived to school or arrived late.
Dates to Remember
Fri 27 September 2024 | Last day of Term 3 and Ice Bucket Challenge for MND |
Mon 14 October 2024 | First day of Term 4 |
Mon 22-25 October 2024 | Music Tour |
Thu 24 October 2024 | Public Holiday - Show Day |
Fri 25 October 2024 | Student free day |