School Association

We need your help - Come to a meeting

The School Association Committee meets regularly on the third Tuesday of each month during School terms 5pm-6pm. We are a small informal group and would love to have more parents/guardians join us this year. It is a great opportunity to be involved in your child’s school.

Contact the School Office for more information on 6208 2666 or email us at

The School Association assists the School in:

  • development of school policies, school improvement plans and the formulation of school objectives, priorities, strategic directions and values
  • planning the financial arrangements to support these objectives
  • evaluating the school’s performance to achieve those objectives, priorities, strategic directions and values
  • the selection process of a Principal, where a permanent vacancy exists
  • fostering the value and benefits of education
  • encouraging co-operation among teachers, students, parents and the school community
  • raising funds to benefit the school
  • Works with students, teachers, parents to improve student outcomes